Monday, February 12, 2007

******Status on my sister, Chris******

My sister, Chris, had knee surgery today. She has had problems with her knee for some time and she has endured a lot of pain as well. The doctors had said that she needed a full knee replacement. Chris was nervous but had prepared herself for a knee replacement. She had the surgery this afternoon and as it turns out, she didn't need a full knee replacement after all which is great! She did have bone spurs on her knee which they filed down and she also had a torn meniscus which they repared. I have not spoken to her yet but she called our mother and said she wasn't in any pain (Mom said she was pretty doped up though). I decided not to call her today so that she could rest but I will call her tomorrow to check on her. Don't forget to send her some love and get well soon comments!


Me me me MEEEEE!

1. Hi, my name is...

2. Never in my life have I...
been a man

3. The one person who can drive me nuts is...
I can only pick one?

4. High school...
was the best years of my life!

5. When I'm nervous....
i chew on my fingers around my nails

6. The last time I cried was...
last week but it was out of happiness

7. If I were to get married right now my wedding party would be..
a funeral!!!! YIKES! NO MARRIAGE!

8. My hair is..
a pain in the ass

9. When I was 5....
I was no longer 4 years old

10. Last Christmas....
was hard without my kids

11. I should be...
doing something else besides damn surverys

12. When I look down I see..
my feet

13. The craziest recent event was...
HA! The entertaining piece of mail I got! That tops C-R-A-Z-Y

14. If I were a character on 'Friends' I'd be...
A combo of Rachel and Phoebe

15. By this time next year.....
Everyone will be another year older

16. My current gripe is...
kids these days are not taught how to take responsibility, especially when they walk all over someone

18. There's this girl I know, who...
is about to get what Karma's got for her

19. You know I like you, when....I don't tell you:

20. If I won an award, the first person I would tell would be...
Cyndi for sure

21. Take my advice..
the best way to ruin a perfectly good relationship is to get married

22. My most wanted item is...
happiness and a great family (which I already have a great family)

23. If you visited the place i was born you would....
love the little town (big town now)

24. I plan to visit...
Australia sometime, somehow before I die

25. If you spend the night at my house...
You better not have a problem with all kinds of animals lol

26. I'd stop my wedding if.....
I had one!

27. The world could do without...
stupid inconsiderate fucktards

28. I'd rather lick the belly of a ######### than...
have anything to do with a certain person from my not-so-distant past

29. Most recent thing I've bought myself...
a CD player for my car

30. Most recent thing someone else bought me...
I don't rely on others to buy me things

31. My favorite blonde is...

32. My favorite brunette is...

33. My favorite redhead is...
Lois (only redhead I know)

34. My middle name is...
in between my first and last name

35. This morning I...
woke up, got dressed, and headed off to work

36. The animals I would like to see flying besides birds are...

37. Once, at a bar..
I got so wasted I threw up right outside the front doors

38. Last night I was...
talking to one of my favorite people :) It's a nightly ritual with us and I love it :)

39. There's this guy I know who...
respects me and makes me feel great

40. I don't know...
why I am doing this survey

41. A better name for me would be...

42. Tomorrow I am...
doing the same thing I did today... going to work

43. My birthday is...
December 19

44. What I really want for Valentine's Day is...
I don't really care for S.A.D. (Singles Awareness Day)
But, if I WERE to get something, I would love it!


Not Enough To Do?

Do you ever get the feeling when everything is done around the house that there is just something missing from your life? Do you need something to complete your day? Well, looks like someone has come up with the perfect solution! Just when watching grass grow, water boil and paint dry all became old and boring, now you can watch cheese age! That's right, all on cheddarvision tv coming to you all the way from England!

Don't forget to check out their myspace as well if you are a true fan!

OMFG, WTF will they come up with next! People need a hobby.


Sunday, February 11, 2007

31 Unknown Facts

Body: 31 unknown facts/secrets about yourself:

Be 100% truthful!

1. When was the last time you shaved your legs?
Um, 3 days ago (I'm single so there's no need to do it daily lol)

2. What were you doing this morning at 8am?

3. What were you doing 15 minutes ago?
brushing my daughter's wet hair

4. Are you any good at math?

6. Do you have any famous ancestors?
Not sure

7. Are you mad at anyone right now?
I wouldn't say MAD.... I would say entertained by someone I can't stand!

8. Do you know the words to the song on your MySpace profile?
Most of them

9. Last thing received in mail?
a little something from the one entertaining me

10. How many different drinks have you had today?
alcoholic or non? All I've drank is dr pepper

12. Do you ever leave messages on people's answering machine?
most of the time

13. Any plans for tonight?
yeah.... going out to dinner with the kids then crashing

14. Do you draw your name in the sand when you go to the beach?
not since I was in high school

15. What's the most painful dental procedure you've had?
oh my.... by far the absess tooth I had. That was horrible!

16. What's outside your front door?
The great outdoors

17. Do you have plans on friday night?
YEP! BIG BIG BIG plans, too! Can't wait woooo hoooo!

18. Do you like the ocean?

19. Have you ever received one of those big tins of 3 different popcorn?
yep; love the cheddar

20. Have you ever been to a planetarium?
sure have, many times. I go with my kids on their field trips frequently.

22. Is there something you are excited about?
Oh yes! (see number 17)

23. Who around you has the most problems?
That's a toss-up

24. Are any of your great-grandparents still alive?

25. Describe your love life?
um, uh, next question!

26. Where do you keep your change?
in my wallet

27. When was the last time you spoke in front of a large group of people?
can't recall but I will be speaking in a couple weeks in front of a group of kids.

28. Do you like anyone right now?

29. What was the weather like on your birthday?

30. Do you sleep with the door to your room open or closed?
I prefer closed but the snake cages are in my room and it gets too hot if I shut the door. I can't stand to be hot.

31. Do you find yourself strange?
When I find myself I will let you know ;)


Some People Should Not Reproduce!

Mom Allegedly Had Child Watch Sex 'To Learn'

Pair Pleads Not Guilty

POSTED: 6:55 pm CST February 10, 2007

A Rhode Island mother and her boyfriend are headed to trial on charges they had intercourse in front of the woman's 9-year-old daughter as a way to teach the girl about sex. Rebecca Arnold, of Woonsocket, R.I., and her boyfriend, David Prata, have pleaded not guilty to felony child-neglect charges. A pre-trial conference is scheduled for next month. When questioned by an investigator from the state Department of Children, Youth and Families, Prata, 33, said he and Arnold, 36, had sex "all the time" in front of the child and that "we don't believe in hiding anything."
He said the girl would often be on the bed watching as the couple had sex. Though they did not ask her to leave, they also did not force her to remain on the bed, Prata said. Asked why he thought a child that age should know about sexual acts, Prata replied, "We wanted to prepare her so she would know how," according to a report from the investigator, Vanessa E. Cisela. The allegations against the couple were revealed in December 2004 after the girl went to live with her biological father in North Adams, Mass. after spending the summer with her mother in Woonsocket. A teacher in North Adams called the Child Abuse Hotline to report that the girl, who is now 11, said her mother and her boyfriend had sex in front of her.
The child told a Massachusetts social services investigator that her mother and Prata never touched her or tried to include her in the sex. Woonsocket police arrested Prata and Arnold in February 2005. The couple is accused of "providing an environment that is lewd and depraved in a manner that makes their home unfit for the child to live in," according to court records. Prata and Arnold are free on bail pending a March 19 pretrial conference in Family Court. They could each face one to three years in prison if convicted or a maximum $1,000 fine, or both. Their lawyers did not return phone calls from The Providence Journal.

note from Daphne: There's only one word that comes to mind........ S-I-C-K!!!!!
