Saturday, October 07, 2006

FInally They Get It Right!

Friday, October 06, 2006

Just What Every Baby Needs

This was too funny to pass up. Apparently there is a company that makes and sells "Baby Toupee's". What's even funnier are the pictures on their website. Looking for a good laugh? Click on their site and take a look at their photos. Wow, now I know what to get for my next friend's baby shower!

Thursday, October 05, 2006

The Surgery Is Over (WARNING: GRAPHIC)

Well, the surgery went well. It only took about 20 minutes. The surgery itself was fine except I didn't handle it to well. Because I was awake for the procedure, my nerves were a mess! My nerves were already going haywire when I got to the office but when I laid down and the doctor started to give me about 25 shots (no exaggeration), my stomach started to turn upside down and I got very clammy. The assistant was sweet and got me a cold, wet rag and placed it on the back of my neck to help which it did. Once I started to concentrate on my breathing, I calmed down. Although I couldn't feel the doctor cutting, I could feel a constant tugging and pressure on the skin on my neck which made it difficult not to pass out. Thankfully the process is over and now that the numbing agent has worn off, I am terribly sore. Brian had to assist in giving me a bath because it is imperative that the wound does not get wet. I go back to see him in 10 days to get the stitches removed and then I go back in 2 months so the doctor can see if he needs to laser the scar to reduce it even more. Brian counted a total of 10 stitches. I only hope that once this is healed it is all worth it! Here are the before and after pictures. As I previously stated, the after picture is graphic. Please keep in mind that the bandages had just been removed (which tore some hair out and hurt like hell) and The "liquid" you see is antibiotic ointment on the stitches.



Starting To Get Nervous!

Well, in less than 2 hours I will be at my doctor's office having minor "plastic surgery" done to the awful scar that has been on my neck for nearly 9 years. I am very excited to have that huge thing reduced but I am also nervous because there is quite a bit of scar tissue that is going to be removed today. The countdown begins!

Cold Front On The Way!!!!!

About FRIGGIN time! Wooooo hooooo!

Wednesday, October 04, 2006

The Magick Is Coming

With Samhain just around the corner, it's time for me to reflect on things and events over the past year and prepare for the new year ahead. For those that don't know, Samhain is the most important holiday for Wiccans such as myself. I can't explain it, but there is a growing excitement within me such as a child the weeks before Christmas morning. I am already deep in research on meditations, spells and rituals to decide how I plan on spending all hallow's eve. I will be so glad to have everything ready and planned out. I will definitely share my experiences the following new day. I can't wait!
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My Southpark Character


Happy Birthday, Daddy!

We love you!
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Gooooooooo Christian!

Time for me to gloat as a proud mom. Yesterday was report card day and Christian made the A/B Honor roll! He made all A's and one B. He has also been recently accepted into Honor Choir. Wow, one of my kids can sing! He didn't get that talant from me for sure. Way to go, baby! I'm so proud of you!

Tuesday, October 03, 2006

M.M.R. (Warning: possible spoilers)

Brian and I went to see The Covenant last Saturday night finally. I have been leary but curious to see the movie since it came out. I was intrigued by the subject line for obvious reasons but I was hesitant due to the typical stereotypes that Hollywood portrays Witches and Wiccans to be.

The story line is generally about 4 boys that are fresh into a private college and they are well known as the "Ipswich" boys. They are the descendants of the original Ipswich Colony families where part of the Salem Witch Hunts took place. The Ipswich Covenant were known for having special powers. Originally there were 5 families that made up the secret Covenant but when the Witch Trials occurred, they all made a vow of secrecy. One of the Ipswich families refused and they rebelled against the covenant; they were then cast out.

There is some suspense though I was not totally impressed how the story line was done as it was easy to figure out who the "bad guy" was for me. Things were a bit too predictable in my honest opinion and this was disappointing. Other than that, I liked the movie. The special effects were insane and I was impressed by the climax scene the most. Although, according to Brian, I would probably give this movie a much better rating if I hadn't had to excuse myself to the ladies' room during a hot shower scene with the guys right after their swim practice. DAMNIT!

For the most part I would rate this movie as a 3=not fantastic. I enjoyed the movie for the most part but I must say that I had my expectations a bit high since it was created by the makers of Underworld. Thankfully there wasn't a lot of reference to Witchcraft or Wicca; the story-line revolved around their powers, not necessarily their beliefs. For that, I give them credit. To sum this up, the movie is targeted towards today's high school age groups where it is receiving high ratings. Don't be disappointed if you don't make it to the movies; it's a movie that can wait for it to come out on DVD.
