Tuesday, October 03, 2006

M.M.R. (Warning: possible spoilers)

Brian and I went to see The Covenant last Saturday night finally. I have been leary but curious to see the movie since it came out. I was intrigued by the subject line for obvious reasons but I was hesitant due to the typical stereotypes that Hollywood portrays Witches and Wiccans to be.

The story line is generally about 4 boys that are fresh into a private college and they are well known as the "Ipswich" boys. They are the descendants of the original Ipswich Colony families where part of the Salem Witch Hunts took place. The Ipswich Covenant were known for having special powers. Originally there were 5 families that made up the secret Covenant but when the Witch Trials occurred, they all made a vow of secrecy. One of the Ipswich families refused and they rebelled against the covenant; they were then cast out.

There is some suspense though I was not totally impressed how the story line was done as it was easy to figure out who the "bad guy" was for me. Things were a bit too predictable in my honest opinion and this was disappointing. Other than that, I liked the movie. The special effects were insane and I was impressed by the climax scene the most. Although, according to Brian, I would probably give this movie a much better rating if I hadn't had to excuse myself to the ladies' room during a hot shower scene with the guys right after their swim practice. DAMNIT!

For the most part I would rate this movie as a 3=not fantastic. I enjoyed the movie for the most part but I must say that I had my expectations a bit high since it was created by the makers of Underworld. Thankfully there wasn't a lot of reference to Witchcraft or Wicca; the story-line revolved around their powers, not necessarily their beliefs. For that, I give them credit. To sum this up, the movie is targeted towards today's high school age groups where it is receiving high ratings. Don't be disappointed if you don't make it to the movies; it's a movie that can wait for it to come out on DVD.



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