
So after much debate, last night I went to see Avatar in 3-D. When the movie first came out, I had no intentions of seeing the movie at all. I am not a huge Sci-Fi kinda girl (my sister is more of the expert in that department).The problem was that ever since the movie's release December 18th, there was more and more buzz about the movie. Not to mention all the Grammy's that the movie and James Cameron won. Now, there have been many movies in the past that "paid" for all of their media hype so I usually take those things with a grain of salt. However, it was all of the public's buzz that was getting unavoidable. Then, my sister went to see it.
I have to admit, the movie was excellent. The graphics were absolutely stunning and unlike anything I have ever seen before. The most amazing part of the graphics imho were the scenes between humans and the Na'vi is what blew me away. When a Na'vi or human would come into physical contact, there was no question to the eye that they appaeared to really interact. Too many movies have tried their best to make this appear as real as possible but typically it can still be seen that the two are not really together in the scene.
All in all, I am so happy that I went to see this movie. Even though the film was PG-13, my daughter Skye went along and she loved it too. The movie IS 3 hours long but because of the way the movie captures and demands your attention, the time flies by. LOVED it!