Tuesday, December 06, 2005

And God Created The Washer And Dryer

Just when things when things were looking bleak, they had gotten a tad worse. After the roommate thing, my dryer decided to poop out on me. I have been washing clothes and hanging them up all over the house. It looks like my dryer sneezed and clothes flew everywhere. Then, the clothes were stiff as a board. Wow, those towels felt great after my shower last night! Now I know how wood feels when it's being sanded. No need for micro-derm abrasion now! Anyhoo, my dryer was over-heating. Then, my fridge started to leak water at the bottom. It has been one thing after another. Over the past weekend, I sat down with my parents in Dallas and they are helping me out with most of the things that were stressing me to the point of being put in the looney hospital. I am truly blessed to have such wonderful people in my life. Last night, my landlord came by to see if he could find a blockage in the dryer exhaust leaving the house to cause my dryer to over-heat (my dryer burned a pair of my Abracrombie pants..... I was TICKED). Weird as it is, we discovered the dryer exhaust goes up thru my attic and out of the roof. He did some knocking around and then he told me he never saw a blockage. Well, he managed to do something right because I was able to use my dryer last night without being able to roast marshmallows at the same time! I have never been so happy to do laundry in my life. One thing at a time, things are really starting to look up for me. I couldn't be happier and I couldn't be more blessed. I wish everyone a happy Tuesday and again, I wish Cyndi the best birthday she has ever had!

Monday, December 05, 2005

Pop Quiz I Didn't Study For

I swear, there is someone or something out there that is testing me. "Hmmmm, let's see how much we can dump on her, and make bets on just how much hair she will have when we are done! MMMMWWWAAAAAAAA HAAAAAAAAA!" Coors, take me away. Ok, back to see what else can be thrown my way. BRING IT ON.

I know it's tomorrow, BUT.......