Thursday, July 06, 2006

M.M.R. (My Movie Review)

Ok, for my first review, let me explain how I will rate movies. 4= a must see, 3= not fantastic; wait for the DVD for sure, 2= only see it if someone drags you to and then 1= WTF were those people thinking when they waisted 2 hours of everyone's lives! Now with that rating system out of the way, on to my first review.
Ultraviolet is a movie that takes place in the not so distant future that involves an outbreak of a virus that the government was using to make soldiers stronger at first. The virus gets out and people all over get really sick from the virus. The government then rallies up the sick and puts them in "camps" similar to concentration camps and they are never heard from again. A few of the sick go into hiding, build a strong alliance, and come out fighting the government to take back their right to live once and for all. Any more description and I would give away too much of the movie.

This movie is packed with action, suspence, surprise, and drama. If you forget the popcorn or need a potty break, better pause the movie because there isn't more than 5 minutes without some action going on. It's a movie that has the power to pull at your heart strings yet it's also full of awesome stunts and great special effects. My rating? a 4! (I even bought the darn DVD!)

All comments are welcome :)

Staying Up To Date

It has been brought to my attention very recently that I really need to work on keeping my blog up to date :) I have been meaning to add some posts since late last week however I keep getting distracted (anyone have a clue WHY? LOL) Sorry about that; it's a private inside joke. Anyway, here are some brief updates...

Jean has slowly come out of her fog and is now remembering faces and names. She is showing much improvement from the effects of the strokes she had. The doctors have taken her out of ICU and moved her into the rehabilitation wing of the hospital. However, just when things started to look up, she took a turn for the worse again. She is refusing to eat again, almost as if she wants to end it all. I hope she realizes that no one is going to let that happen to her. Hopefully soon she will be off all the drugs that the doctors are pumping into her and maybe she will be able to think clearly.

Soon you will see a new topic on my blog. It is going to be called M.M.R. which will stand for My Movie Review. For those that actually care about my opinions, that's exactly what I will post concerning the movies I have seen recently. I have adjusted my settings so now ANYONE can post a comment on my posts regardless of if you are a member or not. Feel free to express your opinions in return. However, please remember to do it nicely or it will have to be deleted :)

The most recent event in my life is that I filled out an application for a 3 bedroom, 2-story town house w/ a garage that is only 2 streets over from where I live now. Even though it is close, I will save over $200 a month by moving there. There have been a ton of people filling out and submitting applications so they are getting full quick. I talked to the dude again yesterday that has been hired by the owners to show the town houses and he said that there is another unit that will be available within the next couple of weeks. The family has just moved out and the owners are in the process of getting it cleaned up. He told me that he is working specifically on MY application to try to give me first "dibs" on the unit. Yipee! He said he should have an answer for me by the end of the week. Keep your fingers, toes, hairs and eyes crossed for me!

I hope everyone had a nice 4th of July. I am going to add a couple of pictures of Christian with his patriotic blue hair he had for the holiday once I get home this evening. I will also post my first M.M.R. this evening so check back later on! Have a great day!