Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Brownie Troop 3419

As most of you know, Skye is now in her second year as a Brownie. We have a new tropp leader this year and there are many exciting activities that Skye and I look forward to. Melody, our tropp leader, has created a website for our troop. She is still working on it and uploading photos but you can easily keep up to date with what the girls are doing and working on. The link is http://gstroop-3419.clubspaces.com/default_css.aspx and the password is 315club to access the page. Also, don't forget that both Christian and Skye have their own e-mail addresses now and they are always very excited to get e-mail. Yu can contact Skye at taterhead8@sbcglobal.net or Christian at soccer_hero96@sbcglobal.net. Keep checking back on the troops website for new and updated photos of the girls.
