Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Why? I Will Never Understand

I came across this story about a baby girl named Honey. She was abused, neglected, and her humans even forced her to starve. They starved her SO MUCH that the poor girl ate something that wasn't meant to be edible and it lodged in her intestines and caused her severe internal bleeding. It nearly killed her. Actually, it WOULD have killed her if it wasn't for the angels that worked around the clock to save her life. This just breaks my heart. It's sad that I have more faith in animals and nature than I do in mankind these days.


Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Back The Blue

Now, this is very heart-warming. I'll never forget when the officers were killed and how the whole metroplex mourned.

In Loving Memory


How Horrible

This is truly sad and unfortunate. WARNING graphic video. The horse that was hit had to be euthanized, suffering from multiple fractures. You can read the article here.


Monday, April 27, 2009

No Mas!

I've decided to do it. That's right! There will be sweat. There will be pain. There might even be some blood and tears (perhaps not my own). Either way, I have come to the conclusion it's time! So I've decided it is time to stop smoking. Personally I enjoy it TOO much, but the main motivation for this are my kids. They have asked me numerous times to quit and I recall what it was like when I was a child asking my mom to quit as well. Broke my heart when the rolls had been changed. May 1st is "D" day. I am already preparing myself with research on which patch to use, support groups online, and plenty of snacks. For everyone else, I would avoid Fort Worth within the 100-mile radius for a few weeks :) Just a suggestion.

Oh, some really interesting (and alarming) info I found out after taking a couple of online smoker's tests:

Here's how much money I will save once I quit... (I will be opening a savings account and putting my "cigarette money" in it)
