Today when I went to work, I was told by the two guys that work out in my warehouse that we now have a "mascot". Apparently this little dog had been coming around our warehouse (there is a big empty field behind our building) and the warehouse guys started to feed it and leave water out for it. When I walked out in the warehouse, I could see the puppy on the other side on the little alley street. It was sitting in the grass and watching me closely. It got up and started to run off but kept turning around and looking at me. It refused to let anyone close to it at all.
During my lunch hour I noticed my warehouse guy leaving some rice out for the dog (don't have dog food at work) so I walked out to see if the dog was around. I saw the puppy and I bent down. The dog began to wag its tail and slowly came up to me! While I started to slowly pet her, I noticed she was a female and that she has had puppies not too long ago. When a warehouse guy walked up to her though, she would run off. It seems as if she might have been abused maybe by a man and she is horribly thin.
I would go and visit her during the afternoon and if I was standing near her petting her, she would let the guys come close to her and pet her. It wasn't long before she was completely comfortable with the guys, even if I wasn't there. The last time I went out in the warehouse, she actually followed me inside the building. When I got to my office door, I couldn't let her in the office. When I closed the door, she began to whimper! That was all it took.... I sent an e-mail out that I was taking her home lol.
I put her inside a box with no lid and a towel inside while in the car for the trip home. As long as I was petting her, she was perfectly fine. The car ride didn't scare her at all. She kept dozing off, poor thing! I stopped by a local feed store where they all know me and I talked to Carl, the owner. He sold me something called "captstar" which is a flea pill that you give to dogs and the fleas die within 30 minutes. I bought her some food, somd Iam's gravy in case she wouldn't touch her dog food plain, some toys, and a flea collar. First thing I was going to do when we walked in the front door was bathe her! I gave her the pill as soon as I got back in my car.
Within minutes of getting her into the tub (she does NOT like baths I found out) the fleas were just falling off of her dead. That is amazing medicine! I shampooed her twice with good-smelling stuff and suddenly she was white again instead of dirt-brown lol. I put her flea collar on her and gave her some fresh water. As soon as I opened her dog food bag, she went nuts! I couldn't even get a scoop of food into her bowl without her trying to eat it right out of the cup in my hand! She really chowed down on the dog food. I went ahead and poured some of the doggy gravy on her food because it has a lot of vitamins in it for her. After eating we took her outside for a potty break. After cleaning her and stuffing her, she was a totally different dog. She was running around, wagging her tail and playful. She is such a sweet little girl!
I don't plan on keeping her though; I am just going to be a foster mom. Although, I have a sneaky suspicion that I will get too attached to her to let her go. This Saturday I am taking her to my vet to get de-wormed, shots, and the works. I have named her "Hershey Kiss" because she is so sweet. Everytime I leave her side she cries. I think she is full-blooded Jack Russell Terrier. Here are some pictures of her: