Wednesday, June 07, 2006

Hang on to those you love

Wow, what a long and draining week that has been so far and the week is only halfway over. I can only hope that the rest of the week will be downhill from here on. In the past two days, things have been said that I never thought would come out of my mouth and things have been heard that I never thought I would be told. All in all, a situation with one injured party has escalated to three injured parties. I hold myself responsible for the things that I am guilty of. One of my faults is that I always tend to do and say things I wish I could take back when in the heat of the moment. I'm sure that there are many others out there that have the same fault. Either way, it doesn't make those things hurt any less.

Today I have started a list of things that I will add to each day. The list is called "Today I am thankful for..." I have already filled out my answer for today. Today I am thankful for my family; my Mom, Dad, Aunts, Uncles, Grandparents, and my sister Chris. These are loves that can never be replaced; these are bonds that can never be broken in my heart.


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