New Events For Skye

As of last night Skye is now a Brownie Scout. As odd as this sounds (I'm still surprised myself) I have volunteered to be "Camp Mom". This means that I will have to go through training and courses to become certified as an "Outdoor Trainer". I will be the one leading and teaching the troops about the great outdoors and survival skills. I will also be the one that is Leader of the camping trip that will take place around April of next year. Oh boy, what have I gotten myself into! I AM excited at the same time and I look forward to the outdoor and camping trips. The training sessions are roughly 8 hours which means my Saturdays will be consumed until my training is complete. That doesn't include the regular Troop meetings during the week.
Oh, just as a reminder..... GS cookie sales are starting soon and all the funds go directly to the troops for materials, camping trips, and educational programs so get your orders in!
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