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This has been the week from hell! I am being punished for something, that's for sure. It all started on Monday when I wasn't feeling well. That evening my mother, my kids and I all went out to eat. Mom was staying the night to tag along on a field trip the next day with Skye's class. Anyway, we went home and I went to bed shortly after getting home because I felt cruddy. I woke up about 3am to a throat that hurt terribly, as if someone had shoved a porcupine down my throat while I was asleep. The pain was so bad that I couldn't help but tear up. I managed to get back to sleep after an hour or so but I woke up again at 5 due to the pain again. This time I was seriously thinking about taking myself to the ER. Instead, I stuck it out and I called in sick about 8am. I took myself to the doctor at around noon and I was worse than I was before. While the nurse was taking me into the back to lead me to the exam room, she asked me what was going on. I told her that I think it might be Strep. She went ahead and did a culture before the doctor had seen me and sure enough, the results were positive. So, I was stuck at home for the next 3 days to recover. Mom stayed an extra night to help me out with the kids which was awesome of her to do that and it was a huge help. On Thursday something good happened to me out of all the mess; my little girl, Tori, arrived from the breeder. Here's her pic:

I had a killer migraine though so I didn't get to interact with her very much. Towards the evening yesterday I needed to run a quick errand. Long story short, I was in a car wreck. The driver's side of my car has a few nasty, big dents along with paint from the girl's car. The girl that hit me (not saying it is her fault; it is partially mine) was only 19 and does not have a driver's license. On top of that, she said she is still paying on a ticket she got for driving without a license! I think the car belonged to her mother because she did have insurance for the vehicle. Her mother showed up right after the wreck happened. Most important though, everyone was ok and thankfully my kids were not in the car. She was also alone in her car. Today I am back to work for the first time and feeling better but I drove in my beat-up beetle lol. My insurance company is taking great care of me and they already have a rental car waiting for me this evening once I bring my car in to them after work. Thankfully I won't have to drive my car around this weekend. *Sigh*
Yeah, someone needs to tell Sir Elton John that the damn sun sure ain't shining down on ME! Lol, I'm not going to post this to avoid hearing what is said but I also got bit by Tori just Friday night after posting this. She got me in the face by my right ear and on my left hand. I knew it was a matter of time and it is of course a risk with this hobby that I am full aware of. Figures!
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