I know, I KNOW!
Holy cow, it has been a long time since my last post! Things have been extremely crazy in the wonderful world of Daphne lol. I know, I need to get better at updating this thing once in awhile. The past couple of weeks were hectic for me at work; the only people in the office are my boss, 2 new hires and myself.

The kids are doing great. Skye's behavior has improved 100% and her teachers and the principal have all said wonderful things about her lately. It is so nice to get phone calls every once in awhile from the school and not have to say immediately, "Ok, what did she do now?" lol. Christian is doing a lot better too and his teacher reassured me that his grades are improving just this past week when I spoke to her during open house. Things are starting to fall back into place.
I was dating a guy named Jae... We had been seeing each other for the past 2 months or so. He is a great guy but his schedule made things difficult for us to have any kind of relationship so we have decided to just stay friends. He is in a band and they have a lot of shows coming up so he is in the studio practicing almost 4 nights a week on top of his hectic work schedule and seeing his son every other weekend. It just got to be too much for him. He wouldn't admit it, but I could tell so I suggested that we stay friends for now. Thankfully there are no hard feelings between us and that we can still remain friends after everything.
Now that I am joining the world of single-hood again, I am certainly not slapping on the nun suit anytime soon! I am ready to get back out there and meet someone awesome. I've already been asked out on a date or two so I am excited! :) Besides, if there are no "sparks", some great friendships can blossom. The way I am now is that if something happens and there is chemistry, GREAT. If not, that is ok, too. I am in no way wanting to push or rush anything to happen; I just want to have a good time and enjoy life to the fullest. On that note, I think I have rambled on quite enough.... Time for me to go relax and enjoy my Friday evening!
p.s. Oh, I almost forgot....... For those of you who know me personally, you will understand what I am about to say. Last weekend I celebrated my one year anniversary! The official date was actually March 1st but with the way my schedule has been lately, the "celebration" was a little delayed. It was awesome though! Thanks to everyone that supported me and stood by me during that time; I couldn't have done it without your love and support! I love you all and hold you dear to my heart!
Awwww, thank you so much. Funny, the next day after I wrote this, Jae and I got back together. That's a story I will save for my next post lol.
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