Tuesday, January 03, 2006

Not So Bad After All.

I am actually in a decent mood today; a lot better than what I predicted I would be in. I am working with Lyken as far as letting him stay out of his kennel through out the night. He has stayed out for the past 4 nights. He has done really well, not getting into anything he's not supposed to. Although, he is a big Momma's boy and has to sleep with me on my bed. He'll lay right next to me (he takes up half of my Queen-size bed as it is) until I fall asleep and then he moves to the end of the bed usually. However, last night he couldn't sleep I suppose and decided he wanted to play with me at 3 am! I almost had a dead dog on my hands. I was sleeping great when all of a sudden I realize there is a 100-pound dog sitting on my right arm and licking my hair at the same time. It's almost as if I am married all over again :) Other than that, I had a good night's rest. He is really turning into a great dog (when he sleeps). Since I have been letting him have more freedom in the house, he has gotten a lot more protective which I am glad for. Who needs a home security system?! Ha!


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