Wednesday, November 16, 2005

The Kids

Well, apparently there is a nasty bug going around. Sunday evening Christian complained about his stomach hurting. I didn't think anything of it because Skye had accidentally hit him in the stomach when they were rough-housing earlier that evening. Of course an hour later, he was throwing up. He threw up all night long. So, I took Monday off to stay home with Christian and to get some sleep. By Monday evening, Christian was doing much better and even trying to eat again. I think I went through a case of Lysol that day.
Just when I thought it was safe, Jen gets sick last night. She was horribly sick all night long; bad enough to make Linda Blair jealous. Ok, maybe the bug will stop with her. NOOOOO such luck. Skye wakes up this morning complaining her tummy hurts. While I'm getting ready for work, here she comes running into the bathroom, barely making it to the toilet. *SIGH* So, I'm off to take Christian to school, Jen is passed out at the house and can barely move, and I'm running Skye to the babysitter's and trying not to be too late for work. Sure enough, Skye gets sick yet again in my car. Now, I took a bag for the ride just in case. However, she forgot to open the bag and didn't get it opened in time. So, I was even later to work than predicted due to cleaning out my car. So, it's just a matter of time for this to travel over to me. Yipee.


Blogger SassCDaphne said...

Thanks.... everyone seems to be much better today after gallons of chicken-noodle soup and gatorade!

11/17/2005 8:41 AM  

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